NatSecMedia covers security issues around the globe. Currently, the focus is on Ukraine and related topics. Reports from in the country and abroad will focus on the Russian war against the Ukrainian people.

Michigan is a key state in the United States Defense Industrial Base.

Key Defense Partners:

DISTRICTSTATELOCATIONFacility and proof of manufacturing1Full DistrictSystemLatitudeLongitudeNOTES
NJ-12NEW JERSEYTrenton, NJHutchinson IndustriesHigh Mobility Artillery Rocket (HIMAR) wheels and tires40.217052-74.742935
NJ-03NEW JERSEYMoorestown, NJLockheed MartinAN/TPQ-5339.978263-74.941346

1Ryan K. ZinkeR202-225-5628House Committee on Appropriations; House Committee on Science, Space, and TechnologyNAY
2Matthew M. Rosendale, Sr.R202-225-3211House Committee on Natural Resources; House Committee on Veterans’ AffairsNAY