NatSecMedia covers security issues around the globe. Currently, the focus is on Ukraine and related topics. Reports from in the country and abroad will focus on the Russian war against the Ukrainian people.

Missouri is a key state in the United States Defense Industrial Base.

Key Industry Partners include:

DISTRICTSTATELOCATIONFacility and proof of manufacturing1Full DistrictSystemLatitudeLongitudeNOTES
OK-04OKLAHOMAElgin, OKBAE SystemsM777 howitzer (155-millimeter) parts (Paladin M109A7)34.7803-98.2923
OK-02OKLAHOMAGrove, OKBoeingJoint Direct Attack Munition-Extended Range Glide-Bombs (JDAMS)36.5937-94.7691

0Kelly ArmstrongR202-225-2611House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Oversight and Accountability