NatSecMedia covers security issues around the globe. Currently, the focus is on Ukraine and related topics. Reports from in the country and abroad will focus on the Russian war against the Ukrainian people.

South Carolina is a key state in the United States Defense Industrial Base.

DISTRICTSTATELOCATIONFacility and proof of manufacturing1SystemLatitudeLongitudeNOTES
GA-05GEORGIAAtlanta, GAAnduril IndustriesAltius-600 unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)33.796924-84.394068

1Blake D. MooreR202-225-0453House Committee on Ways and Means; Joint Committee on PrintingYEA
3John R. CurtisR202-225-7751House Committee on Natural Resources; House Committee on Energy and CommerceYEA
4Burgess OwensR202-225-3011House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; House Committee on Education and the WorkforceNAY