NatSecMedia covers security issues around the globe. Currently, the focus is on Ukraine and related topics. Reports from in the country and abroad will focus on the Russian war against the Ukrainian people.

New Jersey is a key state in the United States Defense Industrial Base.

Key Industry Partners include:

DISTRICTSTATELOCATIONFacility and proof of manufacturing1Full DistrictSystemLatitudeLongitudeNOTES
WV-02WEST VIRGINARocket Center, WVNorthrop GrummanHigh Mobility Artillery Rocket (HIMAR) rocket motors [pt.2]39.5611-78.832222

1Kevin HernR202-225-2211House Committee on Ways and MeansNAY
2Josh BrecheenR202-225-2701House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus PandemicNAY
3Frank D. LucasR202-225-5565House Committee on Agriculture; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Financial ServicesYEA
4Tom ColeR202-225-6165House Committee on AppropriationsYEA
5Stephanie I. BiceR202-225-2132House Committee on Appropriations; House Committee on Science, Space, and TechnologyYEA