NatSecMedia covers security issues around the globe. Currently, the focus is on Ukraine and related topics. Reports from in the country and abroad will focus on the Russian war against the Ukrainian people.

New York Senators

Gillibrand, Kirsten E. New York Democratic I SR-478 4-4451

Schumer, Charles E. New York Democratic III SH-322 4-6542

New York is a key state in the United States Military Industrial Base.

Key Industry Partners include:

Key Defense Components:

DISTRICTSTATELOCATIONFacility and proof of manufacturing1Full DistrictSystemLatitudeLongitudeNOTES
TN-09TENNESSEECordova, TNSecurity Signals Inc.155-milimeter artillery components35.1598-89.7615
TN-01TENNESSEEKingsport, TNHolston Army Ammunition PlantC-4 explosives36.548435-82.561821
TN-01TENNESSEEKingsport, TNBAE Systems155-milimeter artillery components36.548435-82.561821

New York Representatives

0Mary Sattler PeltolaD202-225-5765House Committee on Natural Resources; House Committee on Transportation and InfrastructureYEA