NatSecMedia covers security issues around the globe. Currently, the focus is on Ukraine and related topics. Reports from in the country and abroad will focus on the Russian war against the Ukrainian people.

Russia Attacks on Orthodox New Years 2023-Kills Dnipro civilians


On January 14, 2023, Orthodox New Years, Russia launched new attacks on Kyiv in the morning, and an afternoon barrage of missiles across the country. There were strikes on Dnipro, Kharkiv, Kherson, Khmelnytskyi, Kryvyi Rih, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Ivano Frankivsk, Mykoliav, Odesa and Zaporizzhia launched by the 52nd Guards Bomber Aviation Regiment, lead by Oleg Timoshin. (1)

The strikes on many locations hit “critical infrastructure” according to Ukrainian officials. However, the most important strike was when the Kh-22 launched from their TU-22 bomber hit a 9-story building in Dnipro. The casualty counts continue to rise as rescuers search through the destroyed building. Floors 2 through 9 collapsed on the structure below. UkThere were 230 apartments damaged with 72 of them destroyed according to Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy via official Telegram channel. (2)


As our team arrived, residents were gathered around across the street patiently waiting for rescue workers to do the hard task of removing the debris. The recovery team recovered another deceased civilian resident. They took the victim of the attack to an ambulance and the others continued back to the task of recovery.

As of January 17, 2023, officials updated to 45 people killed, including six children and five children have been orphaned.

The smoke continued to smolder from the ruins 24 hours after the attack, lit from work lights behind in a time when electricity was often out in the area. Large cranes worked together to patiently remove the large debris aware that there could still be victims below who were unable to communicate any further.

Officials we spoke to on site said the wounded were being treated at at a local hospital. He estimated 30 people were in serious condition.

Displaced residents and World Central Kitchen worked to comfort everyone on site including our team with small sandwiches and tea.

This was not the first time, Dnipro was hit by an inaccurate and heavy destruction KU22. On September 29, 2022, the city was hit. Weeks before five civilians were killed in the Bereznehuvate rion of Mykolaiv.

The Kh-22 missile is designed to essentially destroy an aircraft carrier. It was launched at a residential tower that was not within considerable range of a military target. The Kh-22 has a reputation of being very deadly but imprecise. (3)

